Take on any challenge and every opportunity.

At 亿德体育, you aren’t just going to school here. You’re developing new relationships, interests and dreams that not only enrich your experience but help you shape your future pathways. 

在日常生活中, you can choose from an eclectic array of cultural, 体育和社会活动, 比如学生社团, 社区服务项目, athletic events and musical performances. From finding your favorite food spot on campus to joining the newest club to taking the 宽阔的街道 Line to explore every corner of Philadelphia, you’ll never have a dull moment here. 

As a student at Temple, you become part of a thriving community where no dream is out of reach. You’ll be pushed out of your comfort zone to uncover the next big idea, find your niche and become the best version of yourself. 和, you’ll meet like-minded people who are doing the same, allowing you to expand your personal and professional networks. 

Discover what a day in the life of a Temple student looks like and just how much is going on at Main Campus—anywhere at any time. 


Our students explore every corner of Temple, take action on their aspirations and discover what fuels their fires. See how some of our Owls (past and present) immersed themselves in various activities, experiences and organizations on campus.

艺术 & 文化

Lloyd-Princeton Cange

Sculpture major, Tyler School of Art and Architecture

Lloyd-Princeton Cange relaunched the Artists of Color Collective at Temple, a student group that provides resources to undergraduate creatives. “I knew I needed a space and a community at Tyler and at Temple, and I figured if I needed a space then other people did as well. That’s our mission—building a community for artists of color and strengthening ourselves through art.”

Learn more about the Artists of Color Collective.



Nursing major, College of Public 健康

的 sixth largest city in the U.S., Philadelphia is a fantastic place to study, work and play. From its wealth of history to its renowned museums, from its bustling urban life to its famous cuisine, there’s so much for students of all majors to do and see. 和 for 贾丝廷•琼斯, Temple’s location was just what the doctor ordered. “的re’s an energy here that I really like. It’s a good environment to learn, discuss and challenge yourself.” 

Learn more about living in Philadelphia, the city Temple calls home.

image of 露丝更自由 speaking with food truck operators.


历史 major, College of Liberal 艺术

的re are few things Temple Owls love more than the food truck scene on Main Campus. 今年, 管理历史 course curriculum zeroed in on Temple’s beloved food trucks and asked the question: What is a food truck? Taught by 历史 Professor Seth Bruggeman, graduate and undergraduate students in the class were sent out to conduct interviews with food truck operators to learn about their experiences in the industry and how they operate their businesses on Temple’s campus.

历史系学生露丝·弗里尔, the project gave her a new appreciation for Temple’s popular food truck culture and the business owners responsible for maintaining it. “Food trucks are a space of cultural exchange. What may feel like a simple 10-minute wait for a green smoothie is actually a cultural exchange. 的 vendors are sharing their food and therefore values and culture with us students.”

Learn more about food trucks and other dining options on campus.



Public health major, College of Public 健康  

As the director of sustainability for Temple Student Government, 劳伦·雅各布 utilizes her skills and passion for sustainability to work towards improving Temple’s environmental impact. “I’m looking into more ways to be more sustainable individually and on the university level. I am always open to hear suggestions from students about changes to make Temple more green. I want to help lower our carbon footprint and divest from fossil fuels eventually!” 

Learn more about sustainability efforts at Temple.


Find answers to some common questions about what life is like at Temple. If you have any additional questions, please contact the 亿德体育 operator at 215-204-7000, 或访问 邓波儿的知识库.